Resource and Blessings

Dear friends, this page is in honor of the Spirit of indigenous cultures of which there are many. These cultures have carried generations of wisdom and respect for our planet and its natural resources such as our brothers and sisters who are caretakers of the rainforests.
I believe that we are being called by the Universal Spirit to heal our relationships with this planet with a sacred respect for all life forms who occupy this earth. Below you will find other resources that may be helpful for your body, mind or Spirit.
Some of the resources are located in Houston and some of the information can be used and applied no matter where you live. The music and the cultural rituals/ videos call to my soul and I am sharing them with you. Feel free to use what you need. Please enjoy. Be blessed. Be well. Be grateful – Hitaji Aziz
Environmental Justice
Men and Boys: Sexual Abuse
Native American/Healing Trauma
LGBTQ Community
Agape International Spiritual Center
Unity Church of Houston
Ruah Center
Rothko Chapel
Recovery and Addiction
Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
Lambda Center Houston (LGBTQ/Allies)
Sublime Creations – Custom websites, website management and maintenance.

The Archetype of Oshun and the Divine Feminine

Tope Alabi and TY Bello - WAR (Spontaneous Song)